To begin with, I would like to pay homage to my late brother Sardar Tegvir Singh Sibia who was the pillar of the Akal Degree Institution and served the cause of education for 38 years with complete dedication and devotion. Without his efforts the Institution would not be one of the leading Institutions of Punjab today.
The light of educating the girl child was ignited by Sant Maharaj Attar Singh Ji of Mastuana Sahib a century ago and with the same spirit my late father Sardar Gurbaksh Singh Sibia founded the Akal Degree College on1' July 1970.
The beautiful Verses written in the Gurbani
“ividAw ivcwrI qW praupkwrI”
(First empower yourself through Education and then help in empowering others through your good work) has been the guiding light of our Institution and keeping up with the modern times and requirements of the day.
The institute is accredited by NAAC, Affiliated to Punjabi University Patiala, recognized by NCTE Jaipur, born in 2005 Akal College Of education For Women Fatehgarh Chhanna (Popularly known as ACEWFC) successfully running course of B. Ed is one of the leading institutes among Akal group of Institutes.
Student focused education is the core of the institutional ethos with optimal student progression through diversity, collaborative learning, learner autonomy, innovation and creativity. Participation in cultural and community activities are encouraged to ensure a value-based education.
Akal College of Education, thus, is an educational institution, which stands for quality and humanity without compromises. It is an institution of high repute having carved a name for itself with achievements of unrivalled standards. But the college in the quest of excellence is striving hard to accomplish new heights through expansion of its activities and by enhancing its growth. The institution does not intend to rest on its achievements and laurels but constantly work with great zeal and enthusiasm to achieve more in pursuit of excellence.
I take this opportunity to congratulate the Director Dr. Harjit Kaur, Principal Dr. Suman Bala Mittal, and our Akal family of committed staff members who have been responsible for the hundreds of students who have passed out from this premier Institute and have gone out in life to make a markin Society.
Thank you and God bless you all.
With best wishes
Karanvir Singh Sibia
Akal Group of Institutions, Sangrur